Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Decorations

I have a couple of Christmas decorations that are pretty simple to make....a basket with pine cones and a set of lights, with a pretty ribbon and holly to set beside your mantle or wherever.  Also you can make this pine cone tree using a cone shaped form (either from paper mache or cardboard or purchase one from a craft store), glue on lots of cones from the forest (or craft store), paint it gold or whatever colour you prefer and tie a nice glittery big ribbon around it.

Decisions, Decisions

So now I have two faucets from which to choose from but not sure which one to go with.  I'm leaning towards the single lever faucet at the moment.  Any opinions are welcomed.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Upgrading the Faucets

I have spent the last two or three hours searching for a faucet for the main bathroom.  This can be an arduous task going to Home Depot and Lowes but rather than spin my wheels, I just decided to check online and found the one I was looking for on this website.  There are 2 handle and single handle faucets in Mediterranean Bronze, Oil-Rubbed Bronze, Brushed Bronze, Tuscan Bronze, etc. 


Petticoat Creek Adventure

Today we decided to try out a newly opened Japanese sushi restaurant in Pickering called Makimono.  They have a number of locations.  This is an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant for $13.99 and the food was wonderful.  http://www.makimono.ca/locations.html

Later we went to visit Petticoat Creek in Pickering at the foot of White's Road where we took our son and daughter years ago. 
A new aquatic entertainment facility is under construction, and is expected to open in June 2011. This replaces the existing 35 year old swimming pool that has been a fixture in the Pickering community.
The overall development will include a state-of-the-art 3200 square metre wading pool and swimming area that has a 750-person capacity, and a splash pad with interactive water features. The facility will use sustainable technologies to power pool equipment and heat the water for an enjoyable swimming experience http://www.trca.on.ca/enjoy/locations/petticoat-creek-conservation-area.dot

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What to do on a Sunday

Today is cloudy and cold.  The dishes are done and the rooms have been cleaned, laundry is drying.  Watching a show on TV but feel guilty just sitting here.  My Christmas decorations are starting to come out of hiding.  Perhaps it's time to write some Christmas cards. Maybe I could be a personal shopper for someone during this busy season.  Is there anyone out there that needs some assistance? Do you need a Xmas tree picked up and delivered? or help to decorate it?
The day is now almost over.  Loblaws still had the Haagen Daz ice cream available for $3.00 so that was my bargain highlight for the day. 
The Montreal Alouettes have won the Grey Cup again. Even though I am not a football fan, I was cheering for the Roughriders...just because. 
After watching the Passionate Eye just now about the way our food is made, I am not sure that I want to eat anymore....chicken, pork, beef, and vegetable farming...sometimes it seems better not to be educated about these things.  I was raised on a self-sufficient farm where I knew what the animals were fed and how the vegetable garden was fertilized.  We never had to buy much from the grocery store.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My day with my daughter

My name is Irene and today I spent the day with my daughter who was recently married and just enlightened me on blogging.  She has a couple of girlfriends who have blogs and I was very interested in reading them, so have decided to start my own. We discussed various topics and titles, etc. and how this might help make good use of my spare time, now that I have lots of it,  since it is difficult to find part time jobs out in the workplace.  My interests are varied but my main desire is to work for two to three days per week now that I am semi-retired (and not by choice).  I previously worked in Sales/Marketing for an international company selling copiers, printers and fax machines.  However, due to a company takeover by another large organization, my position was deemed redundant and I no longer had the job that I truly loved.  Over the last six years I have been working for different companies and also try to stay busy and occupied with some hobbies such as walking, swimming, drag racing, line dancing, two-stepping and singing and hosting karaoke.  My favourite music is country western which goes back to my roots in Muskoka in the tiny village of Aspdin.
My daughter asked me today - what would I prefer to be doing today?  Relaxing and enjoying the day shopping or Working?  I replied, I would rather be working.  But working at what?  is the big question of the day.  I don't think I have a real niche as far as what I really would like to do, but I have done a variety of jobs over the years such as:
  • Merchandise Blitzer
  • Income Tax Preparation
  • Assistant to Certified General Accountant / Immigration / Investment / Leasing Consultant
  • Event Planner / Coordinator
  • Provide quality food and beverage service from a central commissary kitchen and nine mobile kitchen units
  • Consultant, Client Services - Schedule and organize workshops; prepare power point presentations; design and print workshop materials; meet with clients and prepare their resumes for future employment opportunities; assist clients with their job search; produce and update client tracking spreadsheets